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Full-time national serviceman found unconscious next to bed in camp, pronounced dead in hospital

SINGAPORE: A Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) full-time national serviceman (NSF) was found unconscious at Pasir Laba Camp and subsequently pronounced dead in hospital, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and Singapore Police Force (SPF) said on Saturday (Sep 28).
The NSF was found unconscious and unresponsive next to a bed at Pasir Laba Camp on Friday evening, MINDEF and SPF said in a joint news release just after midnight.
“The SAF Ambulance Service was activated by the unit to evacuate him to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital,” they added.
“Despite resuscitation efforts en route, the serviceman was pronounced dead at the hospital.”
His age was not stated. The incident is not training related, said MINDEF and SPF. 
Based on preliminary investigations, the police do not suspect foul play. The case has been classified as an unnatural death and investigations are ongoing.
“The Ministry of Defence and the SAF extend our deepest condolences to the family of the late serviceman, and are assisting the family in their time of grief,” said MINDEF and SPF.
